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Heart-pounding videos, action alerts, news, and entertainment
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Japan PM Warning: Not Enough Children Being Born! (But It’s Not Just His Country’s Crisis)
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NHL Player Sets Example for Entire League … and for Entire Nation as Well
Red Flag for Rest of World? Man Charged by Police for Publicly Sharing Story of His Changed Life
Predictably …. An Ignorant Call for Defunding the Police … Again
Attaboy! Maine Town Deserves Applause for Standing Up for Gender Sanity, Parental Involvement
Questions, Answers … Three Armed Customers Stop Armed Robbery in Georgia
C’mon, Time to Admit It: Democrats Have Become the Party of Death
‘Love’ Is the Reason? Confronted for Hosting Lesbian Wedding, Amy Grant Speaks Out
Ultimatum of Secularists, Leftists: Agree with Us … Or Else!
Fair Play: White Bigots, Black Bigots … Both Need to Be Repudiated
Across the Board, More Death and Violence: What Fifty Years of ‘Roe’ Hath Wrought?
Yet Another Exciting – and Unexpected? — Benefit of Growing Older
Who Will End Up Super Bowl Bound? Pigskin Pundit’s Picks, Conference Championships …
Respect! NHL Star Stands for Religious Principles … and Fans Respond Enthusiastically
Christianity Isn’t the Official Religion of America? Says Who …?
Dems’ Recent, Dishonest, Pro-Abortion Doublespeak Puts Orwell to Shame
Two Aspects of True Liberty Lead to Thriving Society: ‘Freedom From’ vs. ‘Freedom To’
Yes, Voter Fraud Exists, No Matter MSM’s Scoffing … Here’s More Proof
Gutsy Maine Parents Show the Way! Standing Up to Leftist, LGBTQ Intimidation
Bullying, Anyone? Trans-Plan Being Forced on Public School Teachers
Keeping ‘We the People’ in the Dark … Progressives’ Strategy for Tearing Down America
Reaction to NHL Player Makes Message Clear: Celebrate Everything LGBTQ … Or Suffer Consequences
Viral Power Play: Despite Glaring COVID Bungles, ‘Elites’ Still Want to Call the Shots
Divine Chain of Events: Newton, ‘Amazing Grace’, Wilberforce, Abolition of Slavery
Joe Biden’s Latest Gaffe Is As Stupid As You Might Imagine
Ultimatum of Secularists, Leftists: Agree with Us … Or Else!
‘Love’ Is the Reason? Confronted for Hosting Lesbian Wedding, Amy Grant Speaks Out
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